if you download atomgod, your pirating pre-teen sexual confusion

trev judge48 at HOTMAIL.COM
Wed Apr 8 11:36:02 EDT 2009

"which of my representations are you hateful about now........."

all of them


From: "mike coleman" <insect.brain at GMAIL.COM>
Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 2009 2:00 PM
Subject: Re: if you download atomgod, your pirating pre-teen sexual 

> \
> On 4/7/09, trev <judge48 at hotmail.com> wrote:
>> but, algy ward algy ward!!!
>> at least tex coleman will get nothing ever again...that's some solace
> Ok...I've slept and slept and slept now,and nothing is any clearer......
> My entire diet yesterday consisted of pancakes so that I might get a tiny
> bit ahead financially to possibly buy a record from you (or somewhere 
> else,
> like another Hawkwind album) that nobody cares about except me, (and) I
> could likely find 27 copies in the next few minutes, and you punch me in 
> the
> face???
> which of my representations are you hateful about now.........It did occur
> to me the record might be worth something in the metal cirlces which I 
> know
> nothing about anymore

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