OFF: Chrysalids
Christian Mumford
royalistradio at HOTMAIL.COM
Wed Apr 29 07:02:16 EDT 2009
and there is always a certain suspect "Kilgore Trout" but a wholly different author...........
NP: Hawkwind Hammersmith Odeon 22/04/88 BBC 1 (a totally awesome recording!)
> Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 11:52:25 +0100
> From: Chris.Warburton at UBMAVIATION.COM
> Subject: Re: OFF: Chrysalids
> The ISFDB list: John Beynon , John Beynon Harris , John B. Harris ,
> Lucas Parkes , Wyndham Parkes
> As other names that he used...
> Chris Warburton
> Senior Database Administrator
> Tel: + 44 (0)1582 695463
> P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail
> -----Original Message-----
> From: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List [mailto:BOC-L at LISTSERV.ISPNETINC.NET]
> On Behalf Of M Holmes
> Sent: 29 April 2009 11:25
> Subject: Re: OFF: Chrysalids
> Paul Mather writes:
> > > It is and having read it was one of the delights of my childhood.
> > > For my English Higher (an exam taken at age 17) I studied the
> > > stories of Verne, Wells and Wyndham (having been inspired by The
> > > Chrysalids) rather than the novels on the curriculum (Tale of Two
> > > Cities and similar).
> > The Chrysalids was one of the novels on the syllabus when I took my
> > G.C.E. in English Literature. (That's dating me.:) I don't remember
> > the other ones, but I remember that one. I really enjoyed the book.
> Perhaps the Scottish system was more benighted :-(
> Then again, the rules did say something to the effect that studying any
> books of "literary value" or somesuch was permitted. My English teacher
> counselled against it, but she disliked me so much anyway (report cards
> of "No respect for authority" etc that I've since tried hard to live up
> to) that I just ignored her.
> I remember also studying Wyndham's short stories as John Beynon (and
> didn't he have one other nom de guerre?). I recall one of a future Earth
> where ants had built warwalkers. This got me interested in short stories
> whereupon I read a lot of fairly crappy horror shorts, but also
> discovered the joys of those written by A.E.Van Vogt and Arthur
> C.Clarke. I can still recall my admiration of the subversive endings of
> "The Last Command" and "Reunion".
> If any of you aren't SF fans, they can cure you.
> FoFP
> --
> The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
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