OFF: UK's premier green awareness festival under threat from police and local council.

trev judge48 at HOTMAIL.COM
Wed Aug 12 19:01:32 EDT 2009

for gods sake...make him shuttup...shuttup...shuttup

From: "mike coleman" <insect.brain at GMAIL.COM>
Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 9:55 PM
Subject: Re: OFF: UK's premier green awareness festival under threat from 
police and local council.

> On 8/11/09, mary <maryann.sullivan1 at> wrote:
>> a lot of this is way over my head,
> Yes and that is unfortunate, true, but understandable. and forgivable, and
> even tolerable considering we are dealing with a varied group....we've got
> some fairly educated men along with a couple non-human intelligences
> exerting influence (who have even been known to take human form at 
> Hawkwind
> gigs), some of which would lead you to your nemesis, and others who would
> help you while still more are indifferent.....I love messing with the 
> aliens
> by reminding them I know about them.....(of course, it's uncertain  just 
> how
> much data they have so far about my own nature but probably not much 
> beyond
> using Hawkwind like they do)
> I think if you just stay out of their way, or use humor, since I doubt
> trying to confuse them is in your league, you'll be OK so long as you 
> follow
> the one golden rule of the thread...NEVER actually speak about the Big 
> Green
> gathering....that's it.....and remember the weather is also over your head

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