OFF: UK's premier green awareness festival under threat from police and local council.

mike coleman insect.brain at GMAIL.COM
Sat Aug 15 11:44:58 EDT 2009

Ok Trev. I see you HAD to put the cosmic puffin link and you have the nerve
to call people like Paul a (excuse me) boffin??
yeah right
before I go further, Trev global warming, in my point of view, so Occam's
razorly connected to stupid people driving around on the cell phones with
the brains of chickens (if that) whose intelligence level is such that if
you try to walk across the street they will be annoyed and SPEED UP TO HIT
YOU, is the VERY REASON I was too sick to help you with Cosmic Puffin
I'm gonna do this a a "nice way", and in a way that's BOC-L topic related
and easy
If you people will allow me to take you where I am leading you, you will
find that there is only one true problem and all these others will solve
themselves. I am asking you to lay all your problems on my bigger concern
and trade them all in for yet other problems, or rather challenges and
problems that may likely make your sphincters explode
I am saying that the problem lies within yourselves. Further, I notice none
of you have realised that reality is more than your governments would allow
you to know, in more ways still, and there is a SPIRITUAL element to this
You simply must stop bending your minds backwards and forwards to keep your
anyway, I am giving you a key to ALL EARTHS PROBLEMS hidden within
yesterdays (Hawkwind) eBay acquisition
good luck to you
no doubt some, probably Trev included will be clueless because money is too
prominently on the forebrain, but PLEASE spare the noia and I will promote
the next one best I can
notice how it borrows from it's own future???

On 8/15/09, Arjan Hulsebos <arjanh at> wrote:
> On Fri, 14 Aug 2009 22:59:28 +0100, Jonathan Jarrett wrote
> > Rant over, yours,
> Well, you do have a point.
> Problem is, these measurements have only been taken for a decade or two,
> and
> the rest of the data is from very specific locations. It's kinda like
> telling
> the weather in the tropics from measurents in the Arctic.
> On the other hand, pump enough CO2 into the system, and at some stage,
> you'll
> see big changes fast. Where we are now depends on who's handwaving you're
> most
> tempted to accept.
> Gr,
> Arjan H
> --------------------------------
> Rock in the 70ies:
>   substance inhalation, hotel devastation, and amplifier obliteration

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