UK's premier green awareness festival under threat from Mike Coleman and Trev and Kev new album

mike coleman insect.brain at GMAIL.COM
Sun Aug 16 15:03:02 EDT 2009

and did I not support the pro-global warming side, which was a point of the
big green gathering?
I put aside my important work (early this AM) of trying to find ever more
ways I can teach you guys to INSIST that Uncle Sham at least SHOW YOU his
favorite toys in his favorite toyboxes, to read a Daevid Allen interview
about one of his managers- Giorgio wots-is-name, and why can't you just do
as Daevid did??
He simply decided to come to the states to conquer solo, then duo, then
trio, then Gong when there was enough intererest.
If you got somehing to say, they can't take it away, and I have always
believed you are quite strong in this area. You have worried me a bit lately
but I say if the horse bucks you off, engage it in a fight without fear of
being trampled (like I do with moving cars when I am on foot), and then get
back on it
Another secret is that our VERY THOUGHTS can manifest much more powerfully
than the gov controllers would let out

ObCD Crium Delirium Live Concerts 72-75

On 8/16/09, mike coleman <insect.brain at> wrote:
> I'd ddn't read the part where Kev got the Litmus gig as a solo spot, and if
> your career is BOC-L based you must get NO sleep.
> I also don't recall slagging it but I may have and I apologize if I did
> because I had no reason I can recall....I am about to play it again actually
> In truth, I'll only be happy once I've destroyed the world as it used to be
> known but I am very arrogant ans confident I will eventually "get 'er done"
> since I know what I am here for
> If you are going to start a new thread as a vehicle for the cosmic puffin
> link couldn't you portray me as the friend I am instead of villain, since
> you seem to think people don't just hit delete each and every time a post
> comes in with my name on??
> I am still amongst your biggest fans
>  On 8/16/09, trev <judge48 at> wrote:
>> Dear Hamburger,
>> Well, now you've succeeded in destroying my career yet again, here's some
>> news that might make you even more jubilant.
>> The last serious attempt I made to put a "proper" band on the road ...ICU
>> Judgement Division, ended when I couldn't get any gigs for it. The bass
>> player and drummer were Niall and Nimbus and the band was phenomenal.
>> Niall, as you know, joined Hawkwind and now Nimbus has joined Here and
>> Now, leaving me alone and in despair...Happy?
>> Judge Trev
>> ps
>> Buy "Live at the Cosmic Puffin" by Trev and Kev
>> here
>> £7.99 + postage
>> All major credit cards accepted
>> Burned on archival quality media.
>> --------------------------------------------------
>> From: "mike coleman" <insect.brain at GMAIL.COM>
>> Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2009 8:32 PM
>> Subject: Re: OFF: UK's premier green awareness festival under threat from
>> police and local council.
>> > sincere apology *BOFFIN Paul*
>> > nothing kicks my ADD in like all things human
>> > I'm picking them up as I go, best I can, words and letters and the
>> > impossibly backward act of speaking have always been so uphill
>> > and that sexual contact shit
>> > woah.....
>> > off to bed where all I can do is lie there with fans blazing
>> > maybe nature is most pissed here, the humidity is the clencher
>> >
>> >
>> > On 8/15/09, mike coleman <insect.brain at> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> oh yeah "We are Motorhead...We are Motorhead".....
>> >>
>> >> On 8/15/09, mike coleman <insect.brain at> wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>> Ok Trev. I see you HAD to put the cosmic puffin link and you have the
>> >>> nerve to call people like Paul a (excuse me) boffin??
>> >>> yeah right
>> >>> before I go further, Trev global warming, in my point of view, so
>> Occam's
>> >>> razorly connected to stupid people driving around on the cell phones
>> with
>> >>> the brains of chickens (if that) whose intelligence level is such that
>> if
>> >>> you try to walk across the street they will be annoyed and SPEED UP TO
>> HIT
>> >>> YOU, is the VERY REASON I was too sick to help you with Cosmic Puffin
>> >>> I'm gonna do this a a "nice way", and in a way that's BOC-L topic
>> related
>> >>> and easy
>> >>> If you people will allow me to take you where I am leading you, you
>> will
>> >>> find that there is only one true problem and all these others will
>> solve
>> >>> themselves. I am asking you to lay all your problems on my bigger
>> concern
>> >>> and trade them all in for yet other problems, or rather challenges and
>> >>> problems that may likely make your sphincters explode
>> >>> I am saying that the problem lies within yourselves. Further, I notice
>> >>> none of you have realised that reality is more than your governments
>> would
>> >>> allow you to know, in more ways still, and there is a SPIRITUAL
>> element to
>> >>> this problem.
>> >>> You simply must stop bending your minds backwards and forwards to keep
>> >>> your crowns
>> >>> anyway, I am giving you a key to ALL EARTHS PROBLEMS hidden within
>> >>> yesterdays (Hawkwind) eBay acquisition
>> >>> good luck to you
>> >>> no doubt some, probably Trev included will be clueless because money
>> is
>> >>> too prominently on the forebrain, but PLEASE spare the noia and I will
>> >>> promote the next one best I can
>> >>> behold:
>> >>>
>> >>> notice how it borrows from it's own future???
>> >>>
>> >>>  On 8/15/09, Arjan Hulsebos <arjanh at> wrote:
>> >>>>
>> >>>> On Fri, 14 Aug 2009 22:59:28 +0100, Jonathan Jarrett wrote
>> >>>> > Rant over, yours,
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Well, you do have a point.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Problem is, these measurements have only been taken for a decade or
>> two,
>> >>>> and
>> >>>> the rest of the data is from very specific locations. It's kinda like
>> >>>> telling
>> >>>> the weather in the tropics from measurents in the Arctic.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> On the other hand, pump enough CO2 into the system, and at some
>> stage,
>> >>>> you'll
>> >>>> see big changes fast. Where we are now depends on who's handwaving
>> you're
>> >>>> most
>> >>>> tempted to accept.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Gr,
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Arjan H
>> >>>>
>> >>>> --------------------------------
>> >>>> Rock in the 70ies:
>> >>>>   substance inhalation, hotel devastation, and amplifier obliteration
>> >>>>
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>
>> >

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