what's happening....
bernhard.pospiech at T-ONLINE.DE
Tue Jul 7 12:27:29 EDT 2009
Hi Scott
Here is the track list from one of the April shows:
09.04.2009, BOLTON, ALBERT HALLS, 115 minutes
warriors / assault and battery / golden void / where are they now / reapers
poem / angels of death / prometheus rising / death trap / poem / orgone
accumulator / only dreaming / orgone accumulator / green machine / wraith /
you'd better believe it / sentinel / magnu / brainbox pollution / whos gonna
win the war / poem / damnation alley / right to decide / mirror of illusions
/ hassan i sahba / jam / hassan i sahba
-----Original Message-----
From: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List [mailto:BOC-L at LISTSERV.ISPNETINC.NET] On
Behalf Of SHLL (Scott Heller)
Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2009 11:09 AM
Subject: HW: what's happening....
Seems that not much discussion of the band is happening at the moment. The
40th anniversary show is only 7 weeks away. Girlschool opening I understand.
IT will be quite disappointing if it is just a normal HW show in a cool
venue. I never even saw a set list posted from the april gigs? What did they
play? I heard Mirror of Illusion mentioned....
Saw the Hawklords actually played at the Sonic Rock Solstice? Anyone go or
hear about the gig, what they played, if they were any good, who was in the
band,e tc.... Looks like a cool space rock weekend with earthing society
(new cd is their best ever!), Litmus (new one very delayed now), PreMEd,
Gunslinger (ok more motorhead than space rock),etc..
Anyone hear the new Alan Davey solo record??
Come on people....... let's get this HW discussion going..
http://www.archive.org/details/OSC2009-06-26.SBD (soundboard recording of
my bands latest space rock show......)
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