If you pirate music, you're downloading communism!

iainferguson at AOL.COM iainferguson at AOL.COM
Wed Mar 25 09:50:38 EDT 2009

I don't have any answers, but i do disagree in general with freeloading from professional musicians, it is
fundamentally theft, and should be dealt with appropriately.

However there are some real flaws here, out of print, discontinued, simply unavailable, and rare records, plus live 
boots all need to be available, and under strict laws they are illegal. But just not in the same league as contemporary 
bands releases. 
recent releases obviously cost money to make, promote, etc and therefore record companies & bands get all bend out of 
shape when people start freeloading from the lastest catalogue.

record companies and technology are not in sync, and that is where the problem lies. The barn doors are open, you cannot
 shut them again. So a new solution needs to be found.

Whilst i'm against people getting fined. I am also against musicians getting ripped off, they already get that enough 
from the record company. 

I play in a band and released the music via our own record label, its not expensive, and we can have it on amazon etc 
if we want. I've not gone to see if the music is available on line for download, I don't really care, we are a 2 bit band 
that charges £5 for a CD. We all have fulltime jobs, so we are not dependant on the money collected through sales. 
However If I was in a serious band, trying to get up the ladder, or even already up the ladder and each CD sale is 
part of my actual salary, I'd be pretty p*ss*d off if any of my=2
0CURRENT IN PRINT albums appeared online for people do 




-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Smith <smithjm77x7 at GMAIL.COM>
Sent: Wed, 25 Mar 2009 13:26
Subject: Re: If you pirate music, you're downloading communism!

Well said, Steve!

On 25/03/2009, Steve Pond <Steve at doremi.co.uk> wrote:
> On Wed, 25 Mar 2009 07:26:52 -0400, you sent through the ether:
> >So I guess you think it's OK to steal music?
> Every record company I've ever had dealings with does, so why not?
> -S.


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