If you pirate music, you're downloading communism!

Steve Pond Steve at DOREMI.CO.UK
Wed Mar 25 13:45:15 EDT 2009

On Wed, 25 Mar 2009 23:58:18 +0800, you sent through the ether:

>I was wondering about that Calvert gig. Who will get the royalties, then?
>How did Voiceprint get hold of it?

The gig was taped on a chrome cassette, the actual cassette belonged
to our ... I have no idea what you'd call him, but he came to every
gig, videoed & photographed every gig & rehearsal, he is now the
mastering engineer that Voiceprint use.

You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes :o)

As for royalties, we won't see any. Probably a grand changed hands for
the original tape, and then it's 100% to Voiceprint, maybe they'll
bung some at Jill Calvert as they've put some demo's of Bobs on as
extra tracks, and probably to lure people in who have the gig from the
website. Who knows. 

Don't be so sure the CD will have the better audio quality.. I'll up
the bitrate of mine & then we'll see! 


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