HW: Gun-slung-it

mary maryann.sullivan1 at VERIZON.NET
Fri Mar 27 15:10:31 EDT 2009

You guys really don't know how good you have it over there with so many cool
bands within such small radius.  In order to catch a Nektar show I have to
go 4 hours, so I'm going to travel an extra 2, and catch 2 shows, thanks to
friends from this forum who're letting me stay at there place. I'd have to
choose between food and shows, if I lived over there. It seems you've got so
many concerts going on.  What I go through for a show!
The Last time Nik played Boston, I just happened to hear about it that day.
I wasn't on the net at the time, and my brother saw something in the Globe
with Nik's picture and he called me.  I freaked, and, of course made it.
Since I don't have an IPOD I'll have to bring a lot of batteries and discs,
ak!  Ah well, if I could travel for 3 days home from LA what's 6 hours,
-----Original Message-----
From: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List
Sent: Friday, March 27, 2009 2:24 PM
Subject: Re: HW: Gun-slung-it

In a message dated 26/03/2009 16:47:34 GMT Standard Time,
jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK writes:

This  just doesn't match my experience at all. There are a fvew
hardliners in  the Nik camp who won't go and see Dave, mainly it seems
because Nik's gigs  are cheaper or because they count themselves as Nik's
friends. And there  is just a size to Hawkwind gigs, with attendant
postering and gig listings  for the relevant venues, that mean people
come out for them who don't for  the smaller bands, perhaps because they
just don't know. But mainly I see  the same people at HW and SR and when
I saw Gunslinger some of them were  there too. The opposition is mainly
the bands themselves, really.  Yours,

Well I'll be at the Gunslinger gig at the Rigger tonight.


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