Hawkwind songwriter Judge Trev underpants for sale

trev judge48 at HOTMAIL.COM
Wed May 20 18:56:03 EDT 2009

i'm taller than you...

From: "Steve Pond" <Steve at DOREMI.CO.UK>
Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2009 7:26 PM
Subject: Re: Hawkwind songwriter Judge Trev underpants for sale

> On Wed, 20 May 2009 11:21:16 -0700, you sent through the ether:
>>But you haven't written anything for Hawkwind so mark them down.
> He wrote "Watching the Grass Grow" which HW performed many a time..
> and you too could watch the grass grow if the undies are still within
> their 7 year "new period" if however they are in the 14 year "second
> life" phase  fungus among us might be more apt...

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