HW: Re Hawkwind at Porchester Hall

Jill Strobridge jill.strobridge at BLUEYONDER.CO.UK
Tue Sep 1 17:14:53 EDT 2009

oooh I just love the outakes CD it is gorgeous - one of the finest pieces of 
unfinished work since..... oh I dunno "The Mezentian Gate"? (which no-one 
will have heard of) or - Leonardo da Vinci's works? - whatever.  And is that 
Arthur Brown I hear??  The sound has a real depth to it and this CD is going 
to be on my player for a long time.   Thank you all!

I can't really add anything to the other weekend reports - they say it all 
so I'll mention some extraneous bits.  The Porchester pub made an excellent 
gathering place to wind down quietly after the venue closed and it was great 
to meet up with so many other Hawkfans, especially Steve Swann - who didn't 
look anything like I expected.   And there was an especially enjoyable half 
hour or so earlier Saturday afternoon when Niall joined us for a chat. 
Thank you!

JimSki's guided walk was fascinating - I'd wandered round most of it on my 
own years ago but his knowedge was encyclopaedic and the information booklet 
is full of interesting articles.   I must echo the comments of the person 
who says it should be made into a heritage trail - the area has a unique 
social and musical history that spans an whole era.  Seriously - if any of 
the Ladbroke Grove / Portobello Road denizens are looking to do more than 
stall selling there is a huge Musical Heritage all around them just crying 
out to be revealed.   Surely it's time for more than endlessly repeated 
images of an Abbey Road pedestrian crossing and nostalgic videos of 
Woodstock and Jimi Hendrix at the Isle of Wight Festival.

Thoroughly enjoyed the Elves of Silbury set but in TOSH the drummer was 
somewhat too aggressive for my taste which spoiled an otherwise good set - 
thoroughly enjoyed the Question and Answer session too (rather to my 
surprise) - and, ah yes, the Badger was - ummm - remarkable!   Pity about 
the acoustics for the evening set - it was worse on Saturday than on Friday, 
possibly because the curtains were drawn and there was nowhere for the sound 
to escape so it kept bouncing around inside the room.  But the band were 
playing really well and if you could tune out the acoustic shriek (and 
sometimes it did disappear) the set was wonderful.  Please, please can 
someone with a version of Sentinel try to work out some lyrics for me.  I 
keep catching bits but I'd love to put it all together so I can wander round 
singing it - off key.

Congrats to the guy doing the food though I suspect he was a bit overwhelmed 
by the demand.  But he didn't seem to panic and just kept doing his best - 
well done sir!    And to all the other organisers who were never anything 
less than cheerful - even the nice doorkeeper who must have had a very long 

It was strangely wierd to wake up on Sunday and not have anything Hawkwind 
to do.   Ah well - not long until Christmas!

Thank you everyone
Jill Strobridge <jill.strobridge at blueyonder.co.uk>

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