BOC ravings

gary shindler bewlay68 at YAHOO.COM
Thu Sep 10 17:22:02 EDT 2009

Looks like they're playing Kansas City Oct. 2 and their group picture still shows Allen. If anybody goes to any of the current shows between that I'd like to see set lists. They are in Newkirk, OK the county seat of my hometown tonight. Don't know if they're worth $25 bucks for the cheap seats here.  
From: Jeff Thompson <jt_ at COX.NET>
Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 2:25:21 PM
Subject: BOC ravings

Now that this conversation has completely died .. my turn!

> This time the band seemed to be "going through the motions".

That's too bad.  I saw 3OC back in 2000 or so, with Rondinelli and Miranda, and I enjoyed the heck out of it.

Even suffered through a random incarnation of Starship, and Foghat,
to get to it, and considered it worth it.  Certainly enjoyed it more
than seeing them on the Club Ninja tour.

> Weird song selections too.
> Golden Age Of Leather?
> Shooting Shark?

Man oh man, I would have LOVED to have seen those.  And they did
Last Days of May?  You lucky dog.

> No Astronomy.

As someone noted, sounds like Eric's lost his voice again so they are
tilting in favor of Donald songs.  Pity.

The "Kiss My Axe (While I Drink My Beer)" goof, while fun, got me worried .. Eric did NOT sound ready to, say, jump back in the
studio and record another album, as unlikely as that is.

> Please, please, please stop with the Burning For You.

The day they retire Burning For You is the day they pry Donald's guitar
from his cold fingers.

Hmmm .. even if Eric quit, Donald could still put on a fair fascimile of BOC, couldn't he?  For not being "the lead singer," he wound up singing
the Big Three.  I suppose I'd rather see Donald at the lead of a One Oyster Cult than Eric, if they couldn't do the right thing and retire
the name.

I don't begrudge the guys from still slogging it out, though.  I wish
history had turned out differently and Imaginos had turned into the
rebirth of a second wind for the oyster boys, with Albert on board. But, heck.  Alan Parsons is touring and has been for more than a decade.
Parsons.  Dude didn't play any instruments or sing on any album, and he's fronting a band of musicians that didn't play on any of his albums,
for a studio entity that never toured in the first place.  Weird.

And he's got a devoted enough fan base to keep a mailing list far more
active of on-topic content than BOC-L manages to cough up for BOC. Totally weird.

I don't begrudge Parsons deciding to turn into a touring act in what otherwise could have been his retirement years.  He apparently puts on a show that a bunch of fanatics on the mailing list are willing to go see over and over again.

And as long as Eric and Buck have a good time singing at county fairs, well, whatever...  I'll go see them again if they ever swing within
100 miles of my location.

I miss the late 90s / early 2000s when they were recording again and for
a few brief years it actually felt like BOC was a real band again.

I think I hold Curse of the Hidden Mirror and Heaven Forbid in far higher regard than a lot of people here, but that's a rant for
another day.

> Godzilla turned into a huge sing along and then some weird solo noodlings
> that had nothing to do with the song.

That's not new.  Been a solo showcase forever.

Maybe it's in the contract they offer the bass and drum players -- "dude!  you get to SOLO!  Like, for half an hour!"

Anyway, I don't begrudge it, other than the fact that it takes time away from other songs they could be doing.  Gives you ample time to go hit the beer stand.

I still don't know what happened to Allen.  Did EB piss him off, or did
the ciggies finally damage his health to the point where being on the road wasn't feasible?

-- Jeff


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