OFF: Dodge 'em Dude

mike coleman insect.brain at GMAIL.COM
Wed Aug 4 00:57:22 EDT 2010

still, with an apparent quadruple radiation reduction from 3000
milliroentgens/hour, to 800 (in just 3 minutes), and the possible aversion
of explosion, you might not have that lot next door and the twisted bumper
car parts to auction
hard to bitch...

On 8/3/10, mike coleman <insect.brain at> wrote:
> Better move.....if 'they" wre doing any cleaning it wasn't good enough
> On 8/3/10, Sybaelle <crimsonmirrors at> wrote:
>> Hey I think that lot is across from my house.
>> mike coleman wrote:
>>> Yes it is beautiful, despite the daylight and lack of ferris
>>> wheel.......almost as lovely as the pic(s) with the UFO over the
>>> reactor(s)
>>> don't kid yourself, the Dude has connections....
>>> On 8/3/10, Owen O'Neill <owen.01 at> wrote:
>>>> ha
>>>> --
>>>> .:.;:'¬;˚˚∆:;:,:;';,,';':;.:,:;:;',,':;.';:¬;;';-,,`⁄,

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