Hawkwind - Bristol

Iain Ferguson iainferguson at AOL.COM
Tue Dec 14 19:23:14 EST 2010

and calm.....

Lots of daring do tonight... Long jams, a wink and a nod,  
improvisation to the max.... The captain was having fun !

It opened with a very long Shouldn't Do That, straight into Lord of  
light , showing the guys still rock like the proverbial three legged  
Angels announced the fact that two basses are better than one, and the  
new tunes show there is at least another album coming from these guys  
( 2 new tracks), Tim played a beautiful number, no name given...
John Sevink (levellers fiddle) played the night out, adding the extra  
7th dimension to Brockie on guitar & synth, Tim, lead man,synth and  
theremin, Dibs bass and synth, Rich drums, and Niall nailing bass,  
lead and synth duties....

Brainstorm was frankly trip-tastic, very long and utterly  
levitational... Niall's guitar was Larry Wallace - Pink Fairies  
Psychedelic Review ( 25th anniversary gig) echo-tastic, Ohhhhhhh it  
was hot...

Finally the band gave us Better Believe It as an encore - 2 hours of  
the mighty wind at their most relaxed, improvised and utterly  
spellbinding.... Now where's my Glastonbury ticket, these boys need to  
mix it with the rest
of the music business, failing that "Jools, stop playing that soul  
shite, and play some music that still grooves after all these years"
The new stuff really does need a wider audience, the crowd tonight  
certainly showed that validity, I'm starting to look like one of the  
oldies !!!!!

BTW first gig i saw was in '79 and they played Robot, tonight Robot  
was pure mindblowing Krautrock in the vorsprung dirk technic method   
awesome - Bob really would have approved !

Australia - I hope you've got you're cabinet key !!!!!

Blissed out of Bristol !!!!!!


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