PYWW lyrics? (was Re: new Atomgods Youtube footage with Steve)

Carl Edlund Anderson cea at CARLAZ.COM
Wed Dec 15 12:02:07 EST 2010

Although I am not sure that my question has any relevance to the late and certainly lamented Trev, I want to take advantage of the wise and knowing Mr. Pond's presense to ask: Does anyone know the lyrics to "Paint Your Windows White"?  I've always dug that track (ever since Andy Gilham played me the grainy video downloaded from Steve's site in the pre-YouTube universe), but have never really been able to decipher all lyrics in aid of a cover version!


On 15 Dec 2010, at 06:55 , Steve Pond wrote:

> Hi Jon,
> That track comes from the few months I was the bass player in the
> Atomgods, my tenure coincided with the death of Calvert, Trev wrote
> the song as a tribute to him, it was the first track we worked on
> together outside ICU. 
> We did work up a live set that was part "Wow!", this track and a few
> odd covers (I remember NSU by Cream..) 
> ooh.. I've found a rehearsal tape, we did:
> Starfighter, NSU, Birds, Real One, Virgin Love, 13/35, Mountain Range,
> Dolphins, Camden Town. That was probably about 40 mins and would have
> been what we played at the Calvert tribute show at the Brixton Academy
> with Hawkwind/Man etc.. 
> I produced this recording, it was only a demo really, the drums were
> done in the drummers garage with a stereo pair of microphones into a
> cassette deck, and then we did everything else in a friends bedroom 8
> track studio. Why was it never released? Your guess is as good as
> mine, it came between "Wow!" and "History Re-Written" and
> stylistically was probably representative of neither of them so it
> floated free...?
> Or maybe Trev couldn't find another bass player happy to pretend he
> was in the Shangri-Las and do the high girly vocal! :o)  .. Trev & I
> both love the Shangri-Las.. you don't need to be much of a detective
> to work that one out!
> But I agree, it's a classic Trev Track, nobody else can write stuff
> like that, incidentally we sang it acoustically together at the
> Calvert benefit in Herne Bay a couple of years ago..
> -S.
> On Wed, 15 Dec 2010 04:35:07 +0000, you sent through the ether:
>> On Wed, 8 Dec 2010, Elohim bearing 7's wrote:
>>> Steve has unearthed a memoir-
>>> OK Steve, I'm going to get on someone's computer......
>> 	Blimey, absolutely do, that's a bloody excellent track in its own 
>> right quite apart from its current emotional value. Why did that never get 
>> released? Steve, are you out there? Tell us the story, man! Yours,
>> 								   Jon

Carl Edlund Anderson

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