HW: Stacia Interview on BBC

iainferguson at AOL.COM iainferguson at AOL.COM
Thu Jun 3 10:45:28 EDT 2010


not heard the radcliffe claim before, but if i remember right, it was known at the time that Stacia was living in Ireland, but maybe communications weren't possible until she started selling her art out there, and her details became available.

Whichever it was, I thought she looked stunning and very much with it, and considering it was 30+ years ago, she coukld easily have become "straight"





-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Jarrett <jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK>
Sent: Thu, Jun 3, 2010 3:31 pm
Subject: Re: HW: Stacia Interview on BBC

On Tue, 25 May 2010 21:37:02 +0000, Mick Crook <m.j.crook at TALK21.COM> wrote:

>Brief interview starts around 47 mins.....

Quite a lot of Lemmy earlier on as well, and appearances from members of
both Spinal Tap and Bad News, which has to be worth something. But, I
remember back in 1999 with the Hawkestra thing Nik saying that he couldn't
manage to track Stacia down. OK, the BBC has more resources maybe, but what
do they know that Nick doesn't? Could it actually be true what Mark
Radcliffe is supposed to claim, that Stacia is his aunt?

Thanks for the link, anyway, a good diversion for a while and some
interesting talking heads and footage... Yours,



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