HW: Tim Blake Single? +HW Warrior Poster

mike coleman insect.brain at GMAIL.COM
Tue May 25 09:21:16 EDT 2010

On 5/25/10, M Holmes <fofp at holyrood.ed.ac.uk> wrote:
Only copy of WV I ever knew of was in the possession of Andy Garibaldi.

Since I just got up and apparently do not need an ambulance and a shot of
Dilaudid, I feel "gabby"
I've had a stroke of "Bad Blake Luck" a year or 2 ago-
I went to replace my German pic sleeve of GLB/WV, and the eBay 'buy it now'
item went missing.......I was so mad.....how can that happen??
then I did my atypical "I can't wait 5 mins for what I want" thing and
trolled in another copy and the only other one to be found online and what
happens??  it goes missing on it's way to me....
so then, the German I bought it from offered me the UK version to replace it
with  and I turned it down,,,,,looking back I guess I did not want to be
"easy" until killed by death, but maybe I should pop up now and ask for

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