Using an iPad - was krankshaft format solution found

Carl Edlund Anderson cea at CARLAZ.COM
Sun Apr 10 12:24:47 EDT 2011

On 09 Apr 2011, at 07:33, Jamun wrote:
> The iPad is a toy. You cant share files across a network, or print  
> from it
> (without a special printer). The screen is too low resolution for  
> viewing A4
> pdfs. The only way to get files into and out of is using the crappy  
> iTunes
> interface. Plus there are no interfaces such as USB or even an sd card
> reader for transferring files.

But I do share file transfer both via USB and wi-fi with my iPad --  
there are ample tools besides iTunes for file transfer aned doc  
management -- I have no trouble reading A4 PDFs.  (I suppose poster- 
size PDFs might be tricky, but they would be tricky on many other  
screens as well!)  Frankly, it's easier reading A4 PDFs on my iPad  
than on my desktop screen because I can at least rotate the iPad  
screen more readily to a more doc-like orientation.  I think possibly  
the issue here is knowing how best to use the tool.  (For docs, PDFs,  
etc., I recommend GoodReader.)

Oh, admittedly, I don't know anything about printing on the iPad --  
but I very rarely use a printer these days.  I do almost everything  
with electronic docs.  (Although I have a printer, inherited from  
someone else, at home, I really only ever turn it on to use the  
scanner function.  It's ink cartridges are empty, and there's no  
paper, and I haven't bothered to replace either.  There's a laser  
printer at work, I know, but ... I'm not actually sure where it is,  
since I haven't used it.)

Yes, I can see advantages to getting the iPad to play better  
wirelessly with, say, video projectors and Windows LANs ... and  
clearly being able to plug a USB device or pen drive in more directly  
would be handy -- though Dropbox works well enough, for the moment --  
but it hasn't been a big issue for me.


Carl Edlund Anderson

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