Space Ritual London 25 Feb, 2011

Elipxr5 elipxr5 at AOL.COM
Mon Feb 28 06:22:06 EST 2011

Hi. This is a Pal Region Free DVD. It will not play on most NTSC DVD players or NTSC TVs. I don't think this will play for Mike anywhere but on his computer with his set up. I am in the states and the DVD would not play over my equipment, but I ripped myself an NTSC burn from the DVD using Mac the ripper software, and it came out perfectly. You would probably need a multi standard player or the ability to burn an NTSC copy on a computer to really enjoy this on a full size monitor in the U.S. Its well worth it though.  

-----Original Message-----
From: mike coleman <insect.brain at GMAIL.COM>
Sent: Mon, Feb 28, 2011 1:05 am
Subject: Re: Space Ritual London 25 Feb, 2011

On 2/27/11, Carl Edlund Anderson <cea at> wrote:
> On 26 Feb 2011, at 08:01 , mike coleman wrote:
>> I am assuming the DVD is PAL and will generally be a problem for a
>> poor boy to watch on his cheap DVD players in the USA right??
> In my experience, PAL and NTSC is not a big issue when it comes to DVD
> encoders (unless you have a very high-end monitor and quite keen vision!).
> The issue with DVD players tends to be region encoding (though quite a lot
> of music DVD producers are savvy enough to produce music DVDs with Region
> 0).
> Cheers,
> Carl

Oh Kewl!!  because I was actually doing 2 things-
I was getting a second opinion, I was told if it was in PAL I would
need to play it on my computer, and telling the excuse why I might not
be getting this myself.
It does sound nice-ish!!!  and thanks......oh, just for 'good
measure', some Nik Turner and Jufge Trev stuff that Trev once sent me,
ended up being unusable, because the stuff would only play in one of
my friend's players, and he's not that great a friend. Nor able to
copy them

> --
> Carl Edlund Anderson


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