OFF: MSA Project debut CD

Alex S. Garcia asg at MVDBASE.COM
Sat Jan 15 18:27:28 EST 2011

For those of you who might be interested (and I gather a bunch of you may like 
this) my first CD (as a lyricist) is finally out! Yay!

The band is MSA Project and the CD is a concept album called "Istree".

You can hear samples of the music on my myspace page (the link is in my 
signature below) or on the band's website:

The album is available for download from a number of legal platforms -- itunes 
for now, and amazon soon + fnac & virginmegastore for the French market.

If you prefer a physical CD, you can order one from our official website 
(which also includes details about the album's concept.)

OK, I'm done now with the shameless self-plug ;-)

So I now return you to your normal programming...

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