Sun and Clouds Space Ritual (attn Wilfried)

mike coleman insect.brain at GMAIL.COM
Sun Mar 6 14:29:28 EST 2011

Oh my bad, one of the Canterburys has both discs MAUVE.

On 3/6/11, mike coleman <insect.brain at> wrote:
> On 3/6/11, Martin Hutchby <Thaiboysexpress at> wrote:
>> Y'know, while labels are topic de jour, there's always that UK  first lp
>> with a diffferent version of the black label on either
>> side.......................................
>> sorry Mike ;-)
> I can't see these very well, but the one with credits behind the
> tracks is the rare one right?
> As long as I've got my red label I feel healthy enough and you know
> there are 3 Canterbury Cds....One of them is like Johan's DB set.
> Can't remember weather Huw is on or off the credits with that one.
> I really need to get just one soonish.

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