Aural Innovations Web Zine

Jerry Kranitz jkranitz at AURAL-INNOVATIONS.COM
Tue Aug 21 04:04:00 EDT 2012

Aural Innovations Web Zine


I wanted to remind everyone that starting in January of this year I
discontinued the periodic "issues" of Aural Innovations in favor of a
post-'em-as-we-write-'em format. Reviews are posted regularly and we've also
published some articles and interviews including:


Space Mirrors review of new In Darkness They Whisper CD and interview with
Alisa Coral

Baird Hersey profile and interview

Terry Brooks profile and interview


And just this past week I published a new Tales of the ACTION MAN: House
Call. Regular readers will be familiar with Roger Neville-Neil's Action Man
stories. This was is a bit different for both Roger and Aural Innovations
and as much fun to read as the stories usually are.


The web zine is available on the main Aural Innovations page, or you can
access it directly at:


Jerry Kranitz (jkranitz at


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