Merry Christmas

mike c insect.brain at GMAIL.COM
Tue Dec 25 09:13:01 EST 2012

I mean just look at the layers upon layers upon layers of deception.

Left to put hopes in the grays and maybe the concept of raising
humanty's vibration  could be yet another "harvest hoax"??
My inifinte god does not need to brag about knowing the endgame, who
will come back to "him" and who will not, nor need turn the whole
affair into a misery spectacle  :) :)

On 12/25/12, mike c <insect.brain at> wrote:
> sorry, previous message a bit spontaniouly flung due to crabbiness of
> moment:
> I think what I mean is.......IF Jesus is not just another part of a
> huge "alien" deception hoax, as I now suspect the whole of humanity
> may be simply an unimportant tool of the heiracrhy's wargames....then
> maybe Christmas should be celebrated all days EXCEPT this one!!!  ::)
> :)
> It is so obvious this lighting (storm) here is not good.
> Omens in the air
> On 12/25/12, mike c <insect.brain at> wrote:
>> yer all gona die!!!!
>> On 12/25/12, mary ann sullivan <maryann.sullivan1 at> wrote:
>>> writing to wish everyone on the list a merry Christmas, especially those
>>> to
>>> numerous to count by name.  With the new year, and hopefully a better
>>> computer, hopefully I'll be able to stay in touch better.
>>> Love,
>>> Mary

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