HW: Hawkwind Onward

Krauss-Maffei Wehrtechnik insect.brain at GMAIL.COM
Fri Jul 6 19:07:43 EDT 2012

"tarnex and talismans, tarnex and talismans"
"I turn my head........."
Onward's had a USA CD press if that contributes anything

On 7/6/12, Keith Henderson <khenders64 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> JCH sed...
>> I've read that Ian Anderson regrets
>> using a drum machine in place of Doane Perry on the mid
>> 80's Tull album, Underwraps, and has expressed a desire to
>> re-record it with live drums. It'll
>> never happen, but it's a nice thought.
> Steven Wilson did this using Gavin Harrison to replace the drum robot on Up
> The Downstair to great effect.  It would be a good idea in any/all case(s)
> IMHO, including even if Alan Davey wanted to do it on some of his albums
> using Danny Thompson (aka The Human Drum Robot).  :)
> Keith

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