"nice" ass Albert

Wed Jul 25 11:10:14 EDT 2012

Nebraska is a real place.  Something like Neverland, or Atlantis or  
Birmingham (either one).
It is a windy place, with predominately large people, a butter fetish and  
a good amount of cattle.
The people are nice if not particularly interesting.

On Wed, 25 Jul 2012 11:00:32 -0400, mike c <insect.brain at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm going ahead with this, since the activity is down again, and I did
> find a Hawkwind connction as well.
> I was just thinking "now that I have the sacred BOC photograph, what
> do I do with it?""
> My local Hawkwind buddy's "2 minutes of fame" are having been an early
> member of the Nervebreakers and playing in a band called Metropolis
> for whom this pic is all that seems to remain where my friend is
> concerned.
> Their biggest moments were this show, at the Oklahoma city state fair
> in 1974, and another one, I think.....
> They were being handled by Bill Ham I think and this one had BOC in
> the middle with ZZ Top headlining and Metropolis opening (he says).
> The phote is a bit faded and although my friend claims Albert's shorts
> are gold, I cannot actually tell that, they look whitish, but the pic
> is certainly faded. It is a great pic actually. It led to the
> revelation (to me) that opening bands apprently are or were often
> watching the main band from the side of the stage. It also led me to
> see that Rush opened for Hawkwind in Nebraska in 1974??
> OMG how i wish I could have seen THAT show, and Nebraska??
> what IS Nebraska and does it really having human beings living there??
> do they listen to rock music??
> anyway, hope this did not bother anyone
> ps-I'll put the photo in a BOC CD.

Until Further Notice, I am Unique

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