Hawkwid Onward
Phil Brown
Crasher42 at NTLWORLD.COM
Wed May 9 18:10:56 EDT 2012
On first listen, I would rate it better than Blood of the Earth, which I've no problem with.
On Wed, 9 May 2012 11:06:03 +0200 SHLL (Scott Heller) wrote:
>I am really surprised that there has been no discussion of the new Hawkwind record. I still don't have mine
but some
>of you out there must have it by now... What do people think compared to Blood of the Earth?? Has anyone
heard the
>vinyl? They did a terrible job on the mastering of the vinyl on the last one, sound was very muddy (way too
much low
>end) compared to the CD sound. Hope they sort this one out. I have not bought the vinyl yet as I don't listen
to the
>last one on vinyl due to the sound issues.
>Anyway, I really look forward to hearing it and digging into the songs...
>All the best,
>PS: Øresund Space collective will have our 13th release, Phaze your Fears out on vinyl next week....
crasher42 at ntlworld.com
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