Hawkwind Trademark Wars

m "commode" insect.brain at GMAIL.COM
Sun Apr 14 22:42:28 EDT 2013

as i stated elsewhere, it sounds to me like somebody might want the
USA to be "territory Nik" and no EX.
ONLY my guess, but I was thinking it could then get into recordings, etc etc.

I so agree that this issue returning is just too stifling at my age,
can't imagine at their age.

I think dave should do a "famous cure" recording :) :)

On 4/14/13, m "commode" <insect.brain at gmail.com> wrote:
> what do we make of PxR5 coming out on Cleo???
> On 4/14/13, Jonathan Smith <smithjm77x7 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Cleopatra are known for sub-standard exploitative releases.
>> On 15 April 2013 08:19, Rich W <cosmicdolphin at comcast.net> wrote:
>>> If as stated Cleopatra have Chosen to involve themselves That is a real
>>> piece of Scum-baggery. Shame on you Cleopatra.
>>> I will not be buying any Future Cleopatra product. It's a shocking state
>>> of affairs.

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