since Alan Davey has been brought up
mike c
insect.brain at GMAIL.COM
Tue Aug 27 14:34:34 EDT 2013
On 8/27/13, mary ann sullivan <maryann.sullivan1 at> wrote:
> About my last posting, On The Road, couldn't think of the name, had to
> complete the posting.
For me, and thanks for bringing this up as I might as well "spew" my
last bit: the bonus materail is all about Mike and Niks's "Soldiers"
and Wizard.
I was experiencing what it is like to get a new roof put on that day,
and come about 6PM I'd had my fill.
I went straight to those and I blew the roofers straight off ther roof
and all the way home.
dave's track is superb but I thought maybe a little out of place in a
way, as was some of the others
Just my opinion and have only played any of these 1 time.
The noise at the end of Demented man sounded like a feminine vocal to
me on that one listen. I may have had the AC going as Mary did, but my
initial impression was
"I bet this is Steven"
"Having a little joke" and "Because he can"
I will never think of it like that again, regardless.
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