since Alan Davey has been brought up
mary ann sullivan
maryann.sullivan1 at VERIZON.NET
Wed Aug 28 18:39:38 EDT 2013
your early Christmas gift will keep you alive.
-----Original Message-----
From: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List [mailto:BOC-L at LISTSERV.ISPNETINC.NET] On
Behalf Of mike c
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 2:25 PM
Subject: Re: since Alan Davey has been brought up
please tell me ww3 is not really about to kill me.
i've just come in with what looks like cosmic aid concerning my man-tent,
and I've just opened a box with vinyl copies of stellar and looking as an
early xmas gift.
is this a trick??
On 8/28/13, mary ann sullivan <maryann.sullivan1 at> wrote:
> failure in telepathy, that's kinda good, it may be valid sometimes,
> but it's not reliable, and I wouldn't want that burden anyway. I may
> get flashes, that's all, mastery over that sort of thing could be
> dangerous. Thought is energy is ... I don't know. From a few life
> experiences I believe sometimes there's more than synchronicity at
> work, since I had no knowledge about some of the things I dreamed that
> were actualized, subconscious, coincidence, maybe, but I don't think
> so.
> I'll still practice my Psi Power,. Maybe there's still hope for me to
> evolve. Mike, I already know what you're thinking of that last
> sentence, since I know you, and I know how you feel about telepathy,
> and what is the ultimate realization in evolution. I'll just be the
> best Mary Bruce I can be, and try to help others feel better after
> I've been around them. I don't know how much we can do to raise the
> vibrational level we seem to be at than to live what we spew.
> Love,
> Mary
> -----Original Message-----
> From: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List
> [mailto:BOC-L at LISTSERV.ISPNETINC.NET] On Behalf Of mike c
> Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 1:13 PM
> Subject: Re: since Alan Davey has been brought up
> On 8/28/13, mary ann sullivan <maryann.sullivan1 at> wrote:
>> ha, sorry, you lost me, Mike
> That's okay, I still have Suzanne, whatever that means and even
> thought she's in New York. It's not like you were here in dallas either..
> Besides, 'll take "angry crazy" over high maintenance anyway (no
> offense), and you get a failing grade in telepathy.
> There are so many "others" living amongst us.
> Further, I think androgeny is the future. How will I pull that off and
> it is so not me on the extrerior.
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