HW - new Warrior reissue!

LucidSounD lucidsound at IC24.NET
Fri Jul 12 16:34:08 EDT 2013

I like this idea.

I guess the rights issue is only a problem if the end product is being sold?

Would be great to be able to remix some of those old albums though :-)

-----Original Message----- 
From: Carl Edlund Anderson
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2013 9:28 PM
Subject: Re: HW - new Warrior reissue!

I want some to send me the digitised tracks so I can do my own mix. :) I 
think Wilson did a great job (as expected) of making a clearer version of 
the original mix, but I never really liked the original mix that much! 
(Blasphemy? ;) Well, sue me! :) )

Also: Someone send me the digitised tracks from CotBS, please .... A little 
gated reverb on the snare is all right, but .... ;)

That would be a fun thing or contest or something: Hawkwind Fan Remixes. :) 
But I suppose the rights issues etc. would be horrendous, at best!


Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 12, 2013, at 12:59, Jonathan Smith <smithjm77x7 at GMAIL.COM> wrote:

> I think the quality is excellent with plenty of extra material. and the
> 24/96 quality. I have nowhere to try out the 5.1 mix, though.
> Jonathan
> On 12 July 2013 23:40, Allan Grohe <grodog at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hola boc-l folks!----
>> It has been an age and a day since I was last subscribed to boc-l, but I
>> just picked up the new Warrior reissue, and wanted to see what folks
>> thought of it, so I naturally returned :D
>> I am just listening to the new Steve Wilson stereo mix, and will head
>> down to the basement to listen to the 5.1 surround mix sometime over
>> the weekend.  Have other folks heard it yet?
>> PS - Ben:  my old email of grodog at pacbell.net was still in the system
>> on LISTSERV.ISPNETINC.NET but I couldn't figure out how to update
>> my email on it, so I just registered again with this addy.  Please remove
>> my old pacbell addy, as it's long-defunct now.
>> Allan.
>> ----
>> Allan Grohe
>> Black Blade Publishing
>> Editor and Project Manager
>> http://www.black-blade-publishing.com/
>> grodog at gmail.com
>> http://www.greyhawkonline.com/grodog/
>> http://www.greyhawkonline.com/grodog/greyhawk.html for my Greyhawk site

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