OFF: Work-in-progress cover of HW's "LSD"

Carl Edlund Anderson cea at CARLAZ.COM
Mon Jul 15 09:27:45 EDT 2013

Bit of a work-in-progress/draft version here, but I like how it's coming along:

This started just because I was trying out some bass tones, and the "LSD" riff is a good fun riff with which to do that. But it was sufficiently fun that I kept thinking "I need to do a few more bars, I need to add the guitar part, I oughta ...". And so I have started to do all that. :)

I guess this will probably evolve into an Espada Negra version; it already got a "Like" from Alan Davey on Facebook, so it must be headed in the right direction. ;)


Carl Edlund Anderson

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