mike c insect.brain at GMAIL.COM
Mon Jun 17 01:37:12 EDT 2013

On 6/17/13, martyn white <martyn_white_2003 at> wrote:
> I think I have been hacked, please don't open the earlier Email.

I'm confused
this email, now  <-------truncated------ >, thanks to the education
Gary provided, had persoanl contacts and a link.
The previous email had nothing.
Hopefully it is just the link we should not open??

I think I may have been hacked as well, by some Green Tea weight loss
company but the fact it put my friends name in all caps sure looks
like it was another friend posing as that one to trick me :)
Still, I myself am now strangely mostly concerned if Brad meant THAT "squishy"
(my squishy) and oh dear god, wouldn't wish that on (almost) anyone,
hope he has a washer right there :) Also hope your computer will be
sorted quickly.
sorry if i fell in a trap. I guess i deserved it :)

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