Nik Turner: It has to be said
Mary Ann Sullivan
Sat Sep 14 15:45:58 EDT 2013
Mike, now, that, I'd like to see, (I don't care what you have on), it would
be good to see you again both you and the show. Wwe're going to the gigs in
Boston, and Tim got the next day off and an early shift the day of the
Halloween show. Don't you think it's sad that Nik is playing such smaller
venues? He deserves better? He always got a really good crowd here. This
is an observation, not a political thing, , I'm in the light, and love the
work of Dave and lots of people who have traveled through Hawkwind from the
beginning till now, including Nik. Mike, like you said, it's not a loyalty
thing, it's about catching rare and outstanding music. I hope to find lots
of the same friends at both shows, and hopefully lots of new friends too.
Anyone who wants to hook up before any of the 3 shows previously mentioned,
write me off list, (Mike, I see you laughing at that last sentence from
here). "Mary, you're such a social creature, (such a girl, ha, ha), that's
what you thought, knowing me, no telepathy).
Love to all,
-----Original Message-----
From: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List [mailto:BOC-L at LISTSERV.ISPNETINC.NET] On
Behalf Of 666
Sent: Saturday, September 14, 2013 1:33 PM
Subject: Re: Nik Turner: It has to be said
On 9/14/13, Mary Ann Sullivan <MARYANN.SULLIVAN1 at> wrote:
> I'll get it soon, I wish Nik would play music from his Solo albums, I
> love Worlds End, nice production.
Hi Mary, just in case you were not certain, this new record is all new
material, no Hawkwind (that I know of), though one track certainly brought
Mt. Grill to mind.
He better be playing this stuff if I "hitch-hike" to Austin half naked :)
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