The upcoming North American tour

Carl Edlund Anderson cea at CARLAZ.COM
Tue Sep 17 14:49:50 EDT 2013

On 17 Sep 2013, at 12:19 , Horse <horse at DARKSTAR.UK.NET> wrote:
> Could be wrong but it might all get fucked up by this:
> Oy ve!!!

Oh, gods, it's like 1994 all over again ....

Seriously, is any fan (promoters, etc. are another story) going to be confused about who Nik is, etc.?  I think not.  On the other hand, "Nik Turner's Hawkwind" is fairly lame band name.  I mean: I trust the puppet show doesn't get the bigger dressing room.  And even if I rabidly hated Dave Brock (which I don't), I would be forced to confess that he's the guy who has always carried the Hawkwind flag (regardless of whether or not the band-name's origin may have been in Nik's nasal profile and flatulence).  Nik should just be Nik (isn't that _enough_!?) because that would be cooler (what HW fan does not know who Nik is?), or at worst he could be Nik Turner's Space Ritual or whatever (has a bit of the travelling psychedelic circus vibe, so could be worse). Referencing something Hawkwindy seems legit; staking a claim as some version of HW without the benefit of a lineup that has at least directly evolved from previous incarnations just seems pushing it.  I'd feel less uncool going to see "Nik & The Virulent Nose-farters" than "Nik Turner's Hawkwind".

I mean, I realize that every band I've ever been in has had only one fewer original HW member than HW itself ;) but _still_. What a to-do!


Carl Edlund Anderson

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