OFF) LSD overdoses for Mary and any interested

mike c insect.brain at GMAIL.COM
Tue Apr 8 23:11:11 EDT 2014

I'm embarrassed for the zillioneth time

final comments

1) LSD is no doubt dangerous.  BUT, from my point of view the dosages
were lowered from  what they were in the 60s and into 70s to make it
safer. From my experience as long as you don't take too much you might
get scared but will be okay. (usually)
Not die from some crap chemlcal because the PTB sterilize our world
and make things worse.
Maybe I am wrong in this case, but can imagine ergot supplies become
more tightly controlled as anything else that might lead to creativity
or dare I say "fun".
In no way do I argue that LSD is not a risk, or that I would want my
kids taking any:)
it is basically a "nightmare drug" at it's root, only made leisure by
lowinf dosage enough. NOT NOT NOT for everyone, but NOT deadly unto

2) obviously I hate living in a world where people get up in the
morning thinking about breakfast and their own survial rather than the
UFO issue :)

Once again, I know this is a music forum and sorry I went all over
with what was just intended to catch Mary's eye and maybe one or 2

On 4/8/14, mike c <insect.brain at> wrote:
> I wonder if the plane was taken as part of an effort to
> force disclosure.
> or to see if humans would start a war over it
> On 4/8/14, mike c <insect.brain at> wrote:
>> there's only 1 place and 1 place only where humanity (the public)
>> might seek it's answer.
>> On 4/8/14, mike c <insect.brain at> wrote:
>>> how sad
>>> kids wanting to have an LSD experience are dead because humans are
>>> unable to free themselves from the dark forces making fools of them,
>>> On 4/8/14, mike c <insect.brain at> wrote:
>>>> On 4/8/14, mary sullivan <maryann.sullivan1 at> wrote:
>>>>> John, sounds like from what I've been told the "chocolate stuff," was
>>>>> quite
>>>>> the rage, so you probably did get the real deal.  I guess I'll never
>>>>> know,
>>>>> on that one.  I've been told it's more colorful, (whatever that is) to
>>>>> her
>>>>> synthetic well known cousin?
>>>>> Mary
>>>> are we SURE Mckinney isn't a tourist attraction now??
>>>> (sorry, I get excited when it's UFO nite, despite the holy clothing,
>>>> etc)

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