Robbie Krieger on Niks upcoming album

Abra Cadabra anacondaconan at GMAIL.COM
Tue Apr 14 20:55:24 EDT 2015

didja check out THE MOOR w/ NIK show i put on DropBox at all, Jonathan?

2015-04-15 2:52 GMT+02:00 Abra Cadabra <anacondaconan at>:
> I liked Space Gypsy.. and most Nik albums on Cleo... the 3 Pressurhed
> CDs i still play just about daily. Cleo fleece alot of their roster.
> Dodgy business ethics etc. My art on the latest ST 37 CD on Cleo i am
> happy was being used but sad barely any payment, but that was between
> me and the band.
> 2015-04-15 2:35 GMT+02:00 Jonathan Smith <smithjm77x7 at>:
>> It is OK, but nothing special. Like *Space Gyspey*, good but not memorable.
>> Cleopatra does put out music by people who cannot find other outlets, but
>> they do have a great reputation.
>> On 15 April 2015 at 08:26, Abra Cadabra <anacondaconan at> wrote:
>>> I think it sounds great. Too bad Cleo are such scum label.
>>> 2015-04-15 1:55 GMT+02:00 Jonathan Smith <smithjm77x7 at>:
>>> > Cleopatra are trying everything with Nik, but nothing really memorable
>>> > emerges.
>>> >
>>> > On 15 April 2015 at 04:31, Abra Cadabra <anacondaconan at> wrote:
>>> >
>>> >> also Chris Poland from Megadeth.. how odd!
>>> >>
>>> >> 2015-04-13 22:00 GMT+02:00 Abra Cadabra <anacondaconan at>:
>>> >> > Its called Space Fusion Oddysey
>>> >> >
>>> >> > Here is a track from it:
>>> >> >
>>> >> > Christian
>>> >>

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