I am the God of Hellfire... and I bring you FIRE!

Abra Cadabra anacondaconan at GMAIL.COM
Sun Aug 2 17:13:40 EDT 2015

i cook with HP sauce.. its my Love Craft....

2015-08-02 23:08 GMT+02:00 Abra Cadabra <anacondaconan at gmail.com>:
> I find Lovecraft an old tedious bore of a pulp meister. I barely got
> started on The Mountains of Doom or whatever and kind of bailed out
> somewhere in the arctic in the start. His mythos is cool but his
> writing style so heavy and roundabout and outdated.
> 2015-08-02 23:05 GMT+02:00 mary sullivan <maryann.sullivan1 at verizon.net>:
>> Is that all, what a mellow dude, LOL, we have a movement here for Cthulhu
>> for President, maybe you 2 should run on the same ticket, but you'd probably
>> teach that entity a thing or 2.  Have fun, and of course, cats are sacred
>> and to be worshiped above stupid humans.  (Of course, I do not mean to
>> offend any cats by comparing them to us, and there is always hope for humans
>> to evolve to a higher vibrational level, it's never too late, I'm working on
>> it, I guess it's a work in progress.)  Good luck to all on our paths, and I
>> hope we can learn respect for the fragile balance that keeps life happening,
>> and work to heal the broken energy.  Wishing all the best,
>> Mary
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List [mailto:BOC-L at LISTSERV.ISPNETINC.NET] On
>> Behalf Of Abra Cadabra
>> Sent: Sunday, August 02, 2015 4:46 PM
>> Subject: Re: I am the God of Hellfire... and i bring you FIRE!
>> i keep seeing this Goth couple at the store by where i live.. i am sure they
>> stalk me cause i am potsmoking Satan, Leviathan Genesis Crowley.
>> 2015-08-02 22:26 GMT+02:00 Abra Cadabra <anacondaconan at gmail.com>:
>>> I am the arch demon Big Tex and i blaze for Satan!
>>> 2015-08-02 22:18 GMT+02:00 mary sullivan <maryann.sullivan1 at verizon.net>:
>>>> Good one
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List
>>>> [mailto:BOC-L at LISTSERV.ISPNETINC.NET] On Behalf Of Abra Cadabra
>>>> Sent: Sunday, August 02, 2015 2:17 PM
>>>> Subject: I am the God of Hellfire... and i bring you FIRE!
>>>> yes burn up the internets with Satan... and goth...
>>>> FIRE!

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