OFF: Metaphysical question... is BOC-L dead?

John Keogh jvk at MAC.COM
Tue Aug 4 12:47:43 EDT 2015

"Maybe not dead, undead? I'm just getting random racist abuse. I can't figure out how to leave: I've tried UNSUB and SIGNOFF. 


> On 4 Aug 2015, at 16:54, mary sullivan <maryann.sullivan1 at VERIZON.NET> wrote:
> More than 1 of you, I don't know if we're ready for that, yet.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List [mailto:BOC-L at LISTSERV.ISPNETINC.NET] On Behalf Of Mike c
> Sent: Monday, August 03, 2015 11:41 PM
> Subject: Re: OFF: Metaphysical question... is BOC-L dead?
> condensed:
> I have always have been concerned about what makes Christian always return to those themes and:
> I am just fine with anything you guys want.
> god bless, or whatever you want blessing you.
> the end.
> Just please handle me on my own and do not include me as part of a duo :) I'm solo.
>> On 8/3/15, Mike c <insect.brain at> wrote:
>> I have hesitated to say more, because underneath my own usually 
>> extremely overdone gruff "game face", lies a fairly large sized heart.
>> (meaning not just here, me all around) :)
>> It may (often, usually?) be hard to see, if at all, and I admit I get 
>> a kick out of that, but here's my opinion:
>> I think 2 things are going on, or 3.
>> Before I say this let me swear to whatever god (actually) is that I am 
>> not saying this to be hurtful.
>> 1) I am not convinced that those who are laughing, are laughing at a joke.
>> I mean Christian often cracks me up, but not the "ever returning"
>> racial/religious comments.
>> I am open to correction on this, but I had personal dealings with him, 
>> and it was coming up in private mails. I found my hands tied because 
>> he IS so intelligent in ways, I could not even understand or be 
>> bothered to unravel much of what was there, but I think I know enough 
>> that I am looking at a real personal problem.
>> I wanted to help but was unable, from my point of view.
>> I became weary and had to back away.
>> If i am correct, shame on us, in a way, to fan that fire or laugh at a 
>> real (insert your own term)
>> 2) An unrealistic view of who the other people are on this list and a 
>> repeatedly blatant disregard.
>> 3) Maybe never really seeing the others here, as "more than virtual 
>> cartoons", for lack of a better way to say it
>> I am certainly willing to do as others and just get more friendly with 
>> the delete button, but I confess I delete most of his mails and do not 
>> read.
>> Yes, believe it or not I get overloaded. My gmail does not have a 
>> blocker and even if it threw mails into spam it is almost more 
>> annoying since i have to go and empty them.
>> I do not want my mails to be done that way. Though I will have to 
>> accept that some will be and that I have brought that on myself.
>> I am, myself, indeed, a "boundary pusher" at times, but I HAVE a 
>> conscious about the others here, and often quite innocently find 
>> myself having sent more email than I would have preferred.
>> Anyway, he is so capable of being perfectly normal and informative and 
>> does so, then all of a sudden things "go south".
>> When people do not respond, it becomes more and more vulgar.
>> To me, the biggest issue is what the heck is the problem and should we 
>> be laughing at it.
>> Once again, I am not laughing at the things Paul mentions anyway, it 
>> is not my cuppa joe. Otherwise he IS, at times, pretty hilarious but I 
>> do have a high tolerance for the abnormal.
>> My point is as Paul's, when people are leaving, and the "goners" are 
>> now adding up, it is time for us to make some slight changes, meaning 
>> me as well.
>> All that said,  I personally will be just fine no matter what, I just 
>> don't want personal blame for running people off or to be 
>> automatically lumped in with someone else.
>> It is truly touching the tolerance and kindness shown here, today.
>> I do not possess so much
>>> On 8/3/15, Paul Mather <paul at> wrote:
>>>> On Aug 3, 2015, at 3:43 PM, Arjan Hulsebos <arjanh at WOLFPACK.NL> wrote:
>>>> To me, one of the attractions of BOC-L has always been the 
>>>> possibility of Mike and/or Christian going off on a mail-rampage. 
>>>> And if I don't feel like reading it all, I just delete it. Although, 
>>>> I must say, deleting umpteen emails on a smartphone kinda reminds me 
>>>> of the "good old" days of dial-in ;-)
>>> Have you ever considered bookmarking a couple of neo-Nazi sites, 
>>> because that's what I felt I was wading through lately with Christian's posts.
>>> That, and post after post of puerile adolescent boasts about sexual 
>>> prowess.
>>> Yawn.
>>> If you want to read trolling, there's a whole Internet out there for 
>>> you to enjoy.  I subscribed to this music list to read something 
>>> about Hawkwind, BÖC, and friends.
>>> Maybe I'm too old-fashioned, Internet-wise, but I fail to see how 
>>> ranting about jews; urging us to "kill kikes"; and praising the likes 
>>> of Breivik and Hitler is even 0.00001% on-topic for this list.
>>> That crap has absolutely nothing to do with Hawkwind or BÖC.  If I 
>>> wanted to read about that sort of nonsense, I'd do it off-list.  I 
>>> suggest others do the same.
>>> Apparently, we're told it's all supposed to be a joke and people find 
>>> it funny.
>>> Oh, really?
>>> I've read markov chain generators come up with better output.  
>>> Twitter bots are more entertaining.  Both are about as creative as 
>>> what has vomited across this list as of late.
>>> Christian really needs to change the record.
>>> When he's gone off on a "mail-rampage" people have unsubscribed.
>>> Meanwhile,
>>> he stinks up the archives with nonsense and bile.  Great, just great.
>>> Maybe
>>> one day he'll learn to self-moderate.  Yeah, fat chance.
>>> Sic Semper Trollannis.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Paul.

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