OT: oriental stringbean miniature Megadeth tee / Dumpy to UK size

Abra Cadabra anacondaconan at GMAIL.COM
Thu Jan 8 08:26:37 EST 2015

Just got this Megadeth shirt in the mail... off eBay, supposed to be
3XL BUT I feel like a medium Megadeth vienna sausage down the coal
chute snakecharming chickenbone Voodoo with Gary Glitter and minors in
vinyl bondage on a beach in Phuket... only set me back £7.88 free
postage but i regret it and honestly not super big on Megadeth

"its metal brain corrodes".

Don't expect a selfie in it on FB.

(got a neat Dumpy's Rusty Nuts shirt with the goggles motif,  off eBay
in 2013 or so..... dont think THATS official but it FITS and i dig
that alot. I wore my Hawklords "Reality Tour" tee at Hawkwind Oslo
last sept, and a "Stonehenge" unofficial Hawkwind tee in Drammen a
year ago....... although i was the only one in Hawktees there or did
not see any one else anyway with one. Met a dude in a Gong shirt at
both shows who we discussed Klaus Schulze with twice and hooked up
with him (Jostein) on FB. Dont ask me for any recordings, they don't
exist... "i know nuttin!".)

Christian Medium

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