Moorcock poetry & Chaos Magick (Blue Dreamer)

Abra Cadabra anacondaconan at GMAIL.COM
Sun Jan 11 04:13:33 EST 2015

I had a long series of connected dreams over the course of 2 nights
back in december... what i remember is pretty awesome as mostly my
dreams are... I was travelling by bus to a Moorcock poetry reading
festival in England. I took the bus to Eldorado Cinema in Oslo and
took a connecting bus there to England, via Gotham City in the 40s...
outside is was urban dystopia. There were rumours on the bus about a
dark character named Bat Man in the shadows... in UK, in a small
Hobbit like village of winding roads was the Moorcock poetry festival.
He appeared at at least 7 or 8 stages at once or throughout reading
poetry. There was a fast food joint there and i had the choice between
a hamburger and a big sausage. I went for the burger as i exclaimed "i
have never tasted English cooking before!", Afterwards i took the bus
back and well home in Oslo in Bygdoy alle my mom was there and Barrack
Obama was using my bedroom as a guest, we still had Diplomatic affairs
as my stepdad in the 80s and 90s worked at the US Embassy (this is
fact). My mom said "i followed you all the way to Eldorado because i
thought you were buying drugs again!". She said "I saw you were
wearing a cape and a cowl and thought you were up to something!" I
remembered i had seen Jean Jaques Brunel selling Stranglers tickets at
the Eldorado Cinema ticket booth outside for 900 kroner a piece and i
had told him "as much as i love the Stranglers its too much!.". Back
in Bygdoy Alle a bunch of Juggalos were drinking diet pepsi in our
living room. One Juggalo girl had 3 diet pepsis in our fridge and i
stole one. Afterwards she said "i had 3 pepsis did you steal one you
bastard!" i was like "nooo!" ... there was also some goings on lodging
at a restaurant where i met Ole Johnny Ponny i know from Facebook, and
we moved in at the loft and stuff i forget went on...

The night after, i had 3 odd / cool dreams. The first was i was living
here in Vollen in Norway where i am as a Col. Clinck (Hogans Heroes) /
Col. Starr (Preacher) type old SS officer with a cigarette in a holder
and a scar on my face in full SS regalia... i was playing "Urban
Guerilla" by Hawkwind from a CDR and somehow a caretaker in my
building got a hold of it in a broom closet in the basement and
listened to it and told me "Urban Guerilla might very well be from the
streets of the Third Reich back in WWII!". Later i was looking in a
dumpster outside with some other Hawkwind fans and i found like 7-8
CDs with cut outs, a orange double Live Hawkwind CDs about 5 of them
and some CDR promos different people had written on. I took the CDs
and flogged them on eBay. I gave the caretaker a CDR with "Urban
Guerilla". Later on i was taken to the mental hospital and lots of
insane patients were feasting on sausages and the "narrator" of the
dream told me... "you could have been a wicked SS android officer
instead of the sausage madness at the Asylum!". The dream ended there.
Then i dreamt of a clothes design company where the star of the
company was a young black dressed jew with an 8 way "Chaos Magick"
logo on his chest (it was white). There had been serial killings at
the design company. There was a concert there and i met both bands,
one a solo "Pendragon" singer who looked like Rob Halford in a
midieval armor and Phil Collins who i spoke to ... he was old and grey
and dwarfish with thick glasses like in the "R-Kive" CD by Genesis. I
told Collins "oh yeah we met last time you played, back in 2008".. and
he was like "yes, splendid it was". Then the narrator of the dream
asked in a deep echoey "Gods voice" "who is this mistress Vanessa??"
and i replied "Vanessa Warwick from Headbangers Ball and her husband
from The Almighty"... then i woke up! The night after i dreamt i was
in the nuthouse in Japan, rooming with my old schoolfriend Trond's
best friend also named Christian (who i never liked), and we were
competing on who was hippest, being rommates into The Mooseheart Fath
Stellar Groove Band and spacerock, watching VHS tapes of Shiny Gnomes
and 120 Minutes with Paul King. I won cause i had the upcoming Sun
Dial album on vinyl! Then the dream cut to Tokyo and i was a giant
Ultraman in a multi generational Robotech cartoon fighting
supervillains and that my mom was at a How to stop smoking Seminar in
Tokyo on my behalf. I was looking for her at this huge Norwegian
christmas banquet and did not get any food... then the final dream


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