current listening...

Abra Cadabra anacondaconan at GMAIL.COM
Fri Jan 30 06:11:11 EST 2015

The Gong Global Family has some SERIOUS HEAVY Jethro Tull-like
"locomotive" bass arpeggio (?) or scale progression, it sounds like
Metal Gong. Far out !!!

2015-01-30 10:25 GMT+01:00 Abra Cadabra <anacondaconan at>:
> current listening:
> Gong Global Family - Brazil 2007 (far out the BEST Gong Teapot era
> live of recent)
> The Chills - BBC Sessions (Rolling Moon is a wondrous pop track)
> Yes - Something's Coming (just for Beyond & Before live)
> Fantomas - The Director's Cut (some great horror and gangster movie
> themes with Mike Patton from Faith No More & Mister Bungle etc)
> Venom - Calm Before The Storm (i already had this release as Beauty &
> The Beast but its a great album nonetheless and i paid like 38 USD
> which sucks cause i already had B&TB for like £4.99)
> Throbbing Gristle - Greatest Hits (nuff said, variably great and bad,
> i am more familiar with PTV etc of later eras)
> Skinny Puppy - B Sides Collect (even on my tiny CD stereo / docking
> station it sounds so clear and digital its mindblowing)
> Fit & Limo - Terra Incognita and Ginnistan CDs (Limo from The Shiny
> Gnomes, its folk kraut psych and very hippie blossoming peace music)

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