I used to be a Telepath 1972-2003
mary sullivan
maryann.sullivan1 at VERIZON.NET
Sun Mar 8 17:45:09 EDT 2015
I try to avoid TV, and had telepathic experiences when I was 5, so much we
just don't know about the brain.
Don't let the dark side get you, I know sometimes it can be hard to tell
which is which, that's why I trust my intuition. People can fake emotions,
sometimes there's a vibe I get, and I go with that, that's all I can say
Don't let the benefits of a 6th sense be taken from you, we're already so
out of sync with the universe. Peace,
-----Original Message-----
From: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List [mailto:BOC-L at LISTSERV.ISPNETINC.NET] On
Behalf Of Abra Cadabra
Sent: Friday, March 06, 2015 8:38 PM
Subject: i used to be a Telepath 1972-2003
I wasnt racist EVER just free from all that, i was a hippie.
Now that since they sectioned me i no longer have ANY telekinesis powers and
some one in my mouth tells me i am a jew, jewish and a monkey. Hippies are
not chimpanzees but part of telepathy projects.
So fuck you all, the system made me hate kikes, towelheads and niggers.
the racist lobotomized Chimpanzee nigger jew in prison (just watch TV and
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