OFF - The Prisoner Vinyl
mary sullivan
maryann.sullivan1 at VERIZON.NET
Wed Mar 18 11:27:15 EDT 2015
You 2 are a couple of pranksters. Kosh loves stealing Tim's seat on the
couch, and he has become a little cuddler, now I have 2 guys in bed every
night. Last night Tim had a sleep study to confirm he has sleep apnea, they
tried the mask on him, and he says he won't use it. I had no idea how
dangerous that condition can be, it can bring down the oxygen level to 65,
and you can go for hundreds of messed up breathing incidents when you get
almost no oxygen, then breathe like crazy to catch up. It can cause heart
attack, stroke, and all kinds of stuff, and being the way I am, I've heard
how messed up Tim's breathing, and heart rhythms get. The mask, or surgery
are the treatments. I guess It's Mary the bitch, but he's not sleeping
well, so can't function well during the day.
-----Original Message-----
From: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List [mailto:BOC-L at LISTSERV.ISPNETINC.NET] On
Behalf Of Mike Coleman
Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 9:44 AM
Subject: Re: OFF - The Prisoner Vinyl
while I might have Mary looking
hey Mary, Bun Bun has been super piggy lately with the food, and he's gotten
acclimated to devil ducky, though he will still run off when I squeak it at
So my latest trick was to place the vacuum cleaner in front of his food bowl
tilted slightly up and plugged into the wall. That way as soon as he tries
to go sit in front of the food I just flip it on for a second and laugh
maniacally as he flees.
he gets the jokes
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