.title Conversation Emporium .fg 20 .c;^&Conversation Emporium\& .s .c;Bill Bernat .nmpg 1 .page .; .lm 8.p -8.at .p0 As the scene opens, the boy, Scott, and the girl, Julie, are standing stage left. Both are looking over a pretend railing, sort of sight-seeing. Both are just a little uncomfortable about having a member of the same age group and opposite sex nearby. .p-8 S: Gee, I sure would like to start a conversation with that girl, but she wouldn't want to talk to me. Aw, what the heck, I'll try... Say, would you like to have a conversation with me? J: What about? S: One very fascinating topic is the reverse pyramiding of the de-evolution of Necrobestiality from medieval times to the present. J: I just remembered... I have to go. S: Geez, I'm such a jerk. If only there were some way for me to talk to a girl and not make a fool out of myself. N: How many times has this happened to you? So many times you've wanted to start a conversation, but just didn't have the right thing to say. Well, at John's Congenial Conversation Emporium we've got dozens of things to say, as well as some things you wouldn't want to say. Come to John's Congenial Conversation Emporium today and transform yourself into a smooth talking Romeo by tomorrow. You'll never stumble for words again because in just a matter of time you'll be saying things like ... S: Hello J: (to herself) what a nice thing to say. (she turns to Scott) Hello. N: And what girl could resist this conversation starter? S: So, what's your major? J: I'm majoring in Home Economics with a Sosh minor. N: Sounds like a pretty nice girl, but if Scott doesn't say the right thing now, she may never want to see him again. S: Gosh, you look swell! J: (the flattery is, surprisingly enough, working) Do you really think so? S: Sure. Say, I'm a sensitive, intelligent guy, and I was thinking that maybe we could get together sometime and, you know, have a conversation. J: Sure. I'd like to have a conversation as soon as possible. N: So feel free to let go, enjoy yourself, and have riproaring, fun-loving conversations with people you don't even know. Just stop by John's Congenial Conversation Emporium, located at the corner of Preyatno and Spacebo, where we like to say "Talking is fun."