To make an HP LaserJet IIIsi with TCP/IP option card work with the MultiNet stream symbiont, perform the following steps. (1) FTP to PUBLIC.TGV.COM, and fetch the HP LaserJet IIIsi text library, [.HPLJ3SI]HPLJ3SI.TLB. Copy it to SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB] on your system. (2) Use the MultiNet Printer Configuration Utility to create a local queue pointing to TCP port 9100 on the IP address of the HP printer using the "stream" protocol (printing directly over a TCP connection). (3) Create a customized printer initialization command procedure. If the local queue named is, for example, "HP1", create the command procedure MULTINET:INITIALIZE_HP1.COM with the contents: ---------------------------------cut here--------------------------------------- $ Define /System /Exec MULTINET_STREAM_SYMBIONT_TIMERS "10 60" $ If F$GetDVI("NLP0:","SPL") Then Set Device/NoSpool NLP0: $ Set Device/Spool=HP1 NLP0: $ Initialize /Queue - /Processor=MultiNet_Stream_Symbiont - /On='p1' - /Start - /Owner_Uic=[Staff,*] - /Prot=(S:E,O:D,G:RE,W:W) - /Library=HPLJ3SI - /Schedule=NoSize - /Default=Form=WhitePaper - /Form_Mounted=WhitePaper - HP1 ---------------------------------cut here--------------------------------------- This command procedure is invoked in turn by MULTINET:REMOTE-PRINTER-QUEUES.COM during MultiNet startup (itself from within MULTINET:START_MULTINET.COM). Once run, it creates the queue HP1 as follows: -------------------------------begin example------------------------------------ $ SHOW QUEUE HP1 /FULL Printer queue HP1, idle, on HQ::NLP0:, mounted form POST (stock=DEFAULT) /BASE_PRIORITY=4 /DEFAULT=(FEED,FORM=WHITEPAPER (stock=DEFAULT)) /LIBRARY=HPLJ3SI Lowercase /OWNER=[STAFF,*] /PROCESSOR=MULTINET_STREAM_SYMBIONT /PROTECTION=(S:E,O:D,G:RE,W:W) /SCHEDULE=(NOSIZE) -------------------------------begin example------------------------------------ (4) Create printer forms similar to the following: -------------------------------begin example------------------------------------ $ SHOW QUEUE /FORM /FULL /ALL Form name Number Description --------- ------ ----------- DEFAULT 0 ASCII input; white paper /LENGTH=66 /MARGIN=(BOTTOM=1) /STOCK=DEFAULT /WIDTH=80 /WRAP LETTER (stock=DEFAULT) 2 ASCII input; TGV letterhead /LENGTH=66 /MARGIN=(BOTTOM=4) /SETUP=(PCL,PCL$LOWER) /STOCK=DEFAULT /WIDTH=80 /WRAP POST (stock=DEFAULT) 3 Postscript input; white paper /LENGTH=66 /MARGIN=(BOTTOM=6) /SETUP=(POSTSCRIPT) /STOCK=DEFAULT /TRUNCATE /WIDTH=65535 POSTLETTER (stock=DEFAULT) 4 Postscript input; TGV letterhead /LENGTH=66 /MARGIN=(BOTTOM=6) /SETUP=(POSTSCRIPT,PS$LOWER) /STOCK=DEFAULT /TRUNCATE /WIDTH=65535 POSTSPECIAL (stock=SPECIAL) 6 Postscript input; Special stock /LENGTH=66 /MARGIN=(BOTTOM=6) /SETUP=(POSTSCRIPT) /STOCK=SPECIAL /TRUNCATE /WIDTH=65535 SPACEDLETTER (stock=DEFAULT) 7 ASCII input; TGV letterhead; blank on top /LENGTH=66 /MARGIN=(TOP=6,BOTTOM=1) /STOCK=DEFAULT /WIDTH=80 /WRAP SPECIAL 5 ASCII input; Special stock /LENGTH=66 /MARGIN=(BOTTOM=1) /STOCK=SPECIAL /WIDTH=80 /WRAP WHITEPAPER (stock=DEFAULT) 1 ASCII input; HP white paper /LENGTH=66 /MARGIN=(BOTTOM=4) /SETUP=(PCL,PCL$UPPER) /STOCK=DEFAULT /WIDTH=80 /WRAP -------------------------------begin example------------------------------------ You are now set up! The command: $ PRINT /QUEUE=HP1 file.txt will print out "file.txt" on normal white stock in the upper papertray. The command: $ PRINT /QUEUE=HP1 /FORM=POST will print out the Postscript file "" on normal white stock in the upper papertray. The command: $ PRINT /QUEUE=HP1 /FORM=POSTLETTER will print out the Postscript file "" on letterhead from the lower papertray. Note that there are quite a few modules in the text library. Issue the command: $ LIBRARY /LIST SYS$SHARE:HPLJ3SI.TLB to list all of the modules. You can play with defining additional forms to obtain other affects/features, including duplex printing, landscape printing, using different fonts, HPGL, etc. Acknowledgements to Brian Thomas of Hughes Network Systems ( for developing many of the HPLJ3SI text library modules.