MadGoat FINGER V1.3, 3-OCT-1996 FIXES AND UPDATES ----------------- MadGoat FINGER V1.3, 3-OCT-1996 * Fix long-standing bug in client that caused the plan file name to be displayed repeatedly instead of the plan file contents. MadGoat FINGER V1.2, 25-FEB-1995 * Updated to NETLIB V2.0. * FINGER and FINGER_SERVER now turn off all privileges before attempting to access a user's plan file. Users MUST set the protection on their plan files to be W:R in order for them to be read. In addition, all directories above a plan file MUST have at least W:E access set in order for it to be read. * Eliminated references to MDMLIB routines. * Added /[NO]CLUSTER and /OUTPUT qualifiers. Qualifiers must appear before any username or hostname on the command line. MadGoat FINGER V1.1, 2-MAY-1994 * Fix bug in FINGER_SERVER that caused an access violation if a command of the form FINGER user@node@node was received. MadGoat FINGER V1.0-1, 12-APR-1994 * Fix bug that caused SYSUAF to remain open in FINGER_SERVER. MadGoat FINGER V1.0, 12-APR-1994 * Initial coding.