MS-WORD Virus Software

Tue Dec 5 16:55:00 EST 1995

For information Carl, the virus post is relevant to all participants on
BOC-L who have accessed theMS Word version of the BOC/HW directory.  It is
essentially a warning that if you accessed the MS word version of the BOC
directory your pc may be infected with a virus.  In addition, how to cure
the problem was posted also.  If you did not receive the directory then the
post was irrelavant to you and you are free to ignore.  If you have accessed
the directory, specifically the MS Word version you are advised to re-read
the posts.  Ignoring it could cause problems with your pc later.  You may be
reffering to another post not sent by me on this subject as the lines you
highlight are not familiar to me.


> This is the software we use to correct this fault along with directions.
> [Rest of this post deleted in the interests of sanity]

>        Is it absolutely necessary to post 700+ lines of something with
>absolutely no conceivable connection to BOC, HW, or even _music_ to the
>list!?  Or is there some earth-shaking reason that this can't be sent
>through private email that I'm just missing out on?


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