MS-WORD Virus Software

Jean Lansford lansford at VNET.NET
Tue Dec 5 15:17:38 EST 1995

On Tue, 5 Dec 1995, "Carl E. Anderson" wrote:

>> This is the software we use to correct this fault along with directions.
>> [Rest of this post deleted in the interests of sanity]
>        Is it absolutely necessary to post 700+ lines of something with
>absolutely no conceivable connection to BOC, HW, or even _music_ to the
>list!?  Or is there some earth-shaking reason that this can't be sent
>through private email that I'm just missing out on?

I think the Word Virus got distributed along with the Word version of
AB's list directory.

But really guys, it would have been much simpler to say "MS has known
about this for a number of months, and there is a Word macro available
on their server that deals with it."

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