(Even more) off topic-uk money?

Hardman DK D.K.Hardman at CITY.AC.UK
Wed Nov 8 04:03:16 EST 1995

> Not in Scotland it ain't.     The *Scottish* pound is still available in
> crisp green and multihued note form - easily transferrable to wallet and
> pocket and absolutely no different in value to the English pound.
> The Scottish banks took account of their customers' preferences and
> continued to print 'em, much to their credit and my gratitude.

Skewing even further off the topic, I was somewhat bemused by an item in
today's "Notes & Queries" in the Guardian newspaper.  Apparently, the
Recognition of Borders Act of 1772 permits the killing of any Welshman
who crosses the border into England on a Friday. This law has never been
repealed......     The orignal intent was to reduce the movement of
untaxed goods over the borders to weekend markets; this situation was
resolved by mutual taxation laws, but as the orignal law wasn't repealed
it is still legal to kill Welshmen entering England on Friday!! (allegedly)

Dave H

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