Sensitive to Criticizm?

Robert Kohl rkohl at STATE.DE.US
Wed Nov 8 07:58:58 EST 1995

In a previous post, Chip writes:

>>>>>>stuff snipped<<<<<<<
(remember how personally Al took criticism way back when)
>>>>>>stuff snipped<<<<<<<

Chip, I'm using your quote as an example, this post is not meant to flame you.

Ok, I know I've only been around this list a few months, but this is the
second time that I've seen a reference to such a thing.  The first time was
during the AOL debate when it concerned someone else.

So I'm reading these things where both a former member and a current member
of BOC are sensitive to criticism on an e-mail list.  Is this a reasonable
representation of the situation?  If it is, then I have a few thoughts:

First, I wonder if this is really true.  I'm having trouble accepting that
any celebrity in the public domain is really affected by criticism here, or
anywhere else for that matter.  They know that it goes with the territory,
and that it is the price of fame and success.  I'll bet they're laughing all
the way to the bank, and MORE POWER TO THEM. (I have to smile when I consider
whether Eric or Al or any other celebrity really gives a rat's ass what I
think, or what Chip thinks, or what AB thinks, or what Torgo thinks....etc.)

I express my opinion of someone's talent with my wallet, and not my keyboard.
Put out a good product and I'll buy it (diaper budget allowing).  Doesn't
matter if its buying a CD, or going to a movie, or anything else for that

I know, I know.......someone's going to say that this is a different
situation because current and former BOC members are "in touch" with their
fans in cyberspace.  To which I say...yeah, so what?  I think its awesome
that they take the time to communicate with the fans.  Its a rarity indeed
for any public figure to be so "down to earth" and keep tabs on their fans
(of which I'm one, don't forget).  But do they really care what we SAY?  I
think it matters more to them what we BUY.

The other argument is going to be "but we as fans can influence their future
releases by stating our likes and dislikes."  To which I say...oh really,
does that include new BOC material?

To illustrate this, lets hypothetically say that I (Dr. Bob) am a public
figure.  So 5 people think I have no talent and send "hate mail" (and 1 of
them probably bought my product anyway), but 10 people buy my product and say
nothing.  Am I really gonna give a damn what those first 5 people say to me?
I think not.  They're just bad apples in a good barrel.  That's life.

This is just my view on things.  It just really bugs me when I see comments
about "so and so was insulted by comments on the list" (no offense, Chip).  I
reiterate that I find it hard to believe that someone in the cut-throat world
of entertainment has such a thin skin that comments from here are going to
hurt them.  If a person really wanted to hurt a celebrity, they would refrain
from buying their product.

In closing, lets just assume that I'm wrong (which I don't think I am), and
that a celebrity IS shallow enough to be affected by written criticism from
cyberspace.  Well then, he/she ought to get professional help because they
have a few problems, perhaps a personality disorder.  BTW, I'm accepting new
patients :-)

-Dr. Bob
rkohl at
(expressing his opinions of celebrities' talents by having just purchased tix
for an upcoming BOC gig, purchasing the Sony 3 pack, and due to order BS's

P.S.-If someone sees fit to post this on AOL, that's OK with me.

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